Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hi guys... I was writing another post, but this one needs to happen now, otherwise I'll forget.

So, I was bumming around facebook (having already used up the rest of my internet hangouts) and my friends horoscope came up. She reads them as a joke (or so she says) but I bet her that I could write better horoscopes. So here they are, Rebecca: (Note, I originally wrote these in Italian [School project] so excuse the english).

Aries: You will run into an old friend today, but be careful, because to much delay may cost you something valuable.
Taurus: Enjoy good food and wine in moderation. A little exercise could be a good thing.
Gemini: You will be lucky, and then come close to death today. Take risks and be careful.
Cancer: You have made choices and now you have to live with them. Try not to blame others for the result.
Leo: Check your need to take charge. Others will appreciate you more if they have the chance to shine.
Virgo: Relax and enjoy the moment. A missed opportunity can be hard to retrieve.
Libra: Do not over think choices. You'll never make a decision. Trust your instincts to lead you down the right path, unless that path is plaid socks.
Scorpio: Check your sarcasm. It may hurt the feelings of a friend or colleague unintentionally.
Sagittarius: Your charm and intelligence can lead to trouble. Try not to make decisions that you'll regret later.
Capricorn: Your confidence and enthusiasm may be hard to tolerate. You'll get better results by guiding than by pushing.
Aquarius: Don't bite the hand that feeds you. If it stops, you'll be in more trouble than ever before.
Pisces: Your contradictory nature can be annoying. Don't always take the opposite position just because you can. Only argue things that you feel strongly about.

So, which are you? How do my horoscopes match the kind of day you've had? Seriously, if you ever need a horoscope, you know where to find me. Better than facebook.