Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm a terrible blogger

It's stupid. I've been going through a phase for a while now in which I am terrible at making conversation (even seemingly one sided conversation like this) and so I have been a terribly bad blogger. But I'm going to try and interact with the world at large more. That includes the internet (YAY!) So I'm using this blogs facebook page for casual conversation, as well as pretending I know how to twitter and tumblr. So you should make sure you're keeping on top of those. Especially if you like pointless babbling (and you must if you read this blog).

It's a shitty new years resolution, but it's the only one I've got.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Getting back on the bike

I stopped any and all kinds of physical activity pretty much when I broke my arm. So now it's officially time to get back to work. I started today, by setting up the wind trainer (for my bike) in the loungeroom and going out for a ride. Super easy, but fun all the same.

Question is, should I set up another blog for my athletic endevours? I want to share my various stories, but I don't want to bore people here who don't care. I'll probably set up a poll. Look out for that. I want you all voting :)

On a completely different note, I'm considering starting a "Australia by Australians" blog, which will review places that tourists wouldn't normally visit (hence the "By Australians" part). But I need some help. If you're an Aussie and want to write with me, shoot me an email!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I got accepted to display ads with project wonderful. I've already been advertising with a few low-key sites, and this is gonna be a big step for the blog. Just those two little ads there for now. Maybe I'll add something else soon. REMAIN WATCHFUL!

I totally recommend Project Wonderful to everyone hoping to advertise. They're super duper easy to use, and, I mean, if THIS blog can get ad space, any blog can.