Tuesday, May 14, 2013


In reality, I am terribly socially awkward. I am not good at conversation, which is why I tend to surround myself with extroverts. They do most of the talking.

But there are 2 things in my life that, if you start me talking about them, I am very difficult to stop.

The first of those things is my pets, mostly because the crazy stories I have could fill a boat. A large boat.

The second is Doctor Who. I lose all inhibitions when talking about doctor who. I don't know why this is. I'm not passionate, strictly, but very knowledgeable.

So, you know, if you ever meet me in reality, bring up either of those topics, but don't expect to get a word in.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I found this list

It's a list of things to blog about when you don't know what to write. I will be running through the things on this list for a while. I scheduling the posts so that once they're written, I don't have to think about them anymore and they'll just publish when I tell them to.

They'll start tomorrow and I'm not stopping until I've run out of list.

Store Stuff!

Guys, you should click the store button up there. There's lots of cool stuff that you can buy! Then, if you buy it, I'll get money, and continue being able to survive. It's a win win situation.

Also, I've updated the Awesome button. Click that also.

Updating Things!

I haven't really updated you on my life in my last two posts. That's what this post is for. Okay.

I moved into my parents basement. You knew that.
I started working from home. I still work for the same company, but I got a promotion that only occasionally requires me to be in the office.
I got a ferret.
My brother moved out of my parents house.
I also made arrangements so I can study from home aswell, meaning I never have to leave the house!
I know why a raven is like a writing desk.

Why I shouldn't let my brother buy my alcohol (AKA SayCo talks wine)

My brother is 18 now. It's a fairly recent occurrence. So, he's now able to buy me alcohol. Which means I don't have to put on pants, EVAR!

Unfortunately, he hasn't got very good taste in... well, anything. The other day, I asked him to pick me up a bottle of white wine while he was out. Preferably a Moscato or a Riesling. Not only does he return with a Chardonnay, but a shitty one at that. I gave him cash, so it wasn't like he couldn't afford any better. I drank it anyway (who am I to pass up free wine?) but it wasn't the first time this has happened. There is NO alcohol that he has good taste in. Beer? NOPE!

Seriously, he mostly drinks cruisers. He doesn't know what glass goes with what drink. I knew that before I was 15. How has he escaped this education? I understand that not everyone shares my tastes, but I take it upon myself to teach him about the amazing world of alcohol.

Sadly, he finally finished moving out today. I arranged for him to move in with Jae (who has a house he can't afford on his own) and it's taken him 3 weeks to move out. I am sad to see him go, though.

Anyway, I just needed to rant about my brother. Bye for now.