Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This is a thing from a forum. You don't have to read.

Yeah, so, I wrote this for a dare. You really shouldn't read it if you don't want to be bored to death by my essay.

I like this piece because conveys a sense of peace and simplicity. By using the rule of thirds to create an open expanse of sky, the artist balances the art and gives a sense of relaxation. By using hierarchy, the artist leads the eye across the image in a way that is both tasteful and bold. As the eye travels along the image, one sees first the Darth Vader Silhouette, then moves to the flowers and clouds. While the character seems, at first, out of place in this scene, soon the viewer adjusts to this unusual setting and feels the peace surrounding the character. Overall, the artist has created a wonderfully balanced piece full of light and colour that catches the eye.

I prefer not to use MS paint for 2 reasons. First, I use a mac. Second, I never quite understood it.

We all know that Macintosh computers do not support MS paint. If you did not know, the MS stands for Microsoft. Microsoft programs are generally not compatible with mac. This does irritate me sometimes, as many of the games and softwares in the world are made for Microsoft. But in this case, I am less angry, for the reasons I will explain in my next paragraph.

I have never truly understood MS paint. I can use its basic functions, but I have always had trouble with it. This may be caused by the fact that I grew up in a school that very rarely updated its software, so I was stuck using ancient MS paint, which is rather difficult and confusing to use. Since then, I have tried to stay far away from the program, because I think, subconsciously, I am afraid that my poor attempts will not be good enough for the computer. As I suffer from a fear of failure, this is not a good thing, and I tend to cry after I try to use MS paint.

See, Dogimo, this is what happens when you ask an ex photograph/ star english student to write an essay critiquing art.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hey, look! A wild Shakespeare!

Hi guys. I'm not actually writing a post tonight. I'm letting Shakespeare have a try at writing a post. He's really excited (sitting next to me bouncing excited) and I make no promises about the goodness of what he's going write. I have stuff to do, so I'm going to set him loose on my blog. See you later, if he doesn't kill you first.


Hi!!! I'm awesome! This is my special way of telling Katie that I pre ordered the Sims 3 pets for her, and she is going to get a random text when it comes into the store. So I decided I should warn her. I sort of hope she reads this.

So, anyway, how is everyone? I'm tired, which is bad because it's only nine o'clock and I shouldn't be sleepy yet.

I'm watching Rove LA, and I while I was watching, I made a graph that shows the awesomeness/hotness of celebrities compared to how much I know about them. I made it in excel, so I don't know how to move that across to here. If you can tell me how, I'll do it, and then you will be amazed at my awesome graph making skills.

So, I plan to make unicorns by breeding a horse and an echidna. Although that may just create a spiky horse. I'm trying not to make this sound like I'm making sex jokes, but it isn't working, is it?

I wish I could explain my hopeless blogging powers, but since I can't, I wrote a song.
 Check it out, I'm writing a blog!
 But I should go and feed my frogs.
 I hope and pray this doesn't suck too much,
 Because if it does, I'm totally fucked!
What do you think? I don't really have frogs, I just needed a rhyme for blog. If it's really awful, shoot me now, because Katie is going to kill me if I turn people off her blog.

I'm going to go before I make this worse. I might talk to you later. If I get good feed back, I'll get Katie to promote my blog. Night!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Did you enjoy Shakespeare's post the other day? I hope so. he is thinking about starting a blog, so he wants feed back. I'm thinking about letting him write a few posts here so he can get some feed back. If he does, will you comment? Anyway...

I had a water fight with Shakespeare today. I was going to spend all day on the internet playing zombie games. I woke up at 9 am, and I walked downstairs to get my laptop and saw Shakespeare sitting on my couch. He was all like 'let's have a water fight today!' and I was just like NO!

Let me explain my apartment. There are a whole bunch of young people living here because the old people who own the place let us have really cheap rent.

So, Shakespeare and I started having a water fight, and by the end, the whole building was playing too. Then I realised that I was late for going out to dinner with my parents, and I was soaking wet. So I called my parents and told them I was going to be late, then I decided I wanted to tell you guys about my best Sunday ever. So now I'm really late for dinner at my parents and I should probably go, but I'm not going to just yet because I wanted to tell you that Shakespeare is possibly going to post here later or tomorrow, depending on if I get any responses in the comments about him.

So, anyway... What was this post about? Either Shakespeare or I will post later. Probably when I get home from dinner to tell you all about my insane parents and my need for microwave popcorn.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

I have to cook!

Hi guys. I'm worried. How are you? Now this is sounding like a letter.

Shakespeare's parents hate me. I don't mean they don't like me because I stole their son or anything. They actively try to break us up and make me look like a fool. They dislike everything about me, and constantly comment on how Shakespeare 'could do so much better.' According to them, there are girls lining up at his door for a chance to date him. I wonder why I've never seen them.

I'm gong to be really honest with you. I'm surprised he's still speaking to me after spending a week with his parents (not including that little part after he got home. If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here.)

So, anyway, Shakespeare doesn't like his parents and I not talking. So he called his parents and invited them to dinner at my apartment. He only checked with me AFTER he invited them.

Now, I'm okay with meeting them for dinner. But I'm not okay with them coming to my house. They critique everything about me, and I don't want them in my house! One of us is likely to be thrown out the window. Now I'm only speaking to Shakespeare using a series of grunts. I can't be really mad at him, because he's only doing this because he wants me to NOT break his parents necks.

So I have to cook a normal meal for 4 normal people. I've mentioned before that I usually eat pizza, right? I can cook, but salmon is fucking difficult. And they want salmon. Because they're rich. I should give them salmonella. (You get salmonella from salmon, right?)

I plan to update about halfway through the night (they hate me already. They won't care) and when they leave. But I might not. If I don't, I'll send Shakespeare to inform you of which of his parents killed me.

So, I'll talk to you guys later. Probably.

Update: Hi everyone. William here.
Katie asked me to come and do this blog. Which is strange, because I thought she would want to rant about my parents. She is shouting instructions from the kitchen, where I think she's washing up. I'm going to warn you that I have never written a blog post before.

My parents left about 15 minutes ago. The following is a conversation the 4 of us had at the door. (Katie demands that I do this properly. M- mum, D-dad, K- katie and S- me.)

M- Well William, dear, thank you for inviting us to dinner. Even if the food was sub par.
K- What about me?! I cooked the food, and you were in my house!
M- Oh yes. Your apartment was barely big enough for all of us, and we had to eat on the sofa. The salmon was rather under cooked. Were you trying to poison us?
K- Yes. And we ate on the couch because I'm living on minimum wage. I do my best to pay rent, so please excuse me for not having a dining table.
S- Well, bye mum. Bye dad *shuts door*

So, even though that was a 3 minute conversation, I think it pretty much sums up the night. It was actually worse while we were having dinner. So now Katie is in the kitchen doing the dishes and mumbling about the horrible things she wants to do to my parents. I offered to help, but she asked me to do this instead. So, here I am, rambling now I think.

Katie will probably blog tomorrow. Until then, please don't judge her blog on my work here tonight. That wouldn't be fair.