Friday, August 26, 2011


Yo... Sorry I didn't update the other morning, but Shakespeare wanted me to go cycling with him again. I generally don't give him everything he wants like this, but he is so sweet when he's hyperactive.

He was hanging out with some friends today, so I decided I wanted to clean my apartment. I looked at my desk, and I chose to really quickly check my email. Then I saw that my welcome email from Pottermore had arrived, so I spent the rest of the day on that. If anyone wants to friend me (or what ever it is one does at hogwarts) I am RiverMahogany39

Anyway, I was going to do lots of exciting stuff and then tell you about it, but I got distracted, so here are some pictures of my cat, Umbreon. The first 2 are of him as a kitten. The third is current(ish)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shakespeare's not taking his medicine.

Hi everyone... My title may not make any sense, so I'll do I quick introduction before I start.

Shakespeare is my boyfriend. I called him Shakespeare once when we met, then the name stuck. (If you want more than that, I might post the story later). Anyway, he has a medical condition that I can't spell... He is frequently on medication that contains a sedative. The sedative is weak, but, when he takes it several times a day, affects him quite powerfully.

His doctor recently said that he should take a break from the meds. He is going back on them on Monday, which can't come soon enough. He got used to being sedated, and now that he isn't anymore, he is TOTALLY hyperactive.

That took me an hour to write. Shakespeare keeps insisting he really needs to look stuff up (his words, not mine). He is with me because I was worried he was going to accidentally set fire to his house. He brought his laptop over and has been playing games at triple speed. I have to go to the super market, but I'm worried that he'll hurt himself while I'm out. I also don't what to take him with me, for obvious reasons. I also have to walk to the super market, whether I take him with me or not (I'm not letting him drive in his condition).

I promise to update as the night goes on.

Update: So, apparently Shakespeare was reading my blog on his laptop, not playing games. I know this because he read about how I needed to go to the super market. I hadn't told him because I knew that he would get all excited about it (which he did). This is a conversation Shakespeare and I had 5 minutes ago. (S=Shakespeare, K=Me)
S: You wanna go to the supermarket?
K: I don't need to go to the supermarket. *Nervous laugh*
S: You said you did on your blog! *Begins bouncing around the room like a rabbit* Come on! Get dress and let's go!
K:  But we'll have to walk there, and it's dark.
S: So? it'll be like an adventure! We can buy marshmallows and hot chocolate and cookies and popcorn and coffee and rent a movie and watch the movie. Then go CYCLING!
K: It's nearly midnight... I'll take you to the supermarket, but I draw the line at going cycling.
S: How about we ride the bikes to the supermarket?
K: *Deep sigh*

So now I'm taking Shakespeare to the supermarket on bicycles and I won't have any money left to buy the stuff I need because he'll keep convincing me to buy stuff for him (or 'us' as he says). I have to go, Shakespeare I poking me on the shoulder and shouting in my ear that I have to get dressed unless I want to go in my pyjamas.

Another Update: Okay, so Shakespeare and I just got back from the Supermarket. I gave him $10 to spend, since he didn't have any money. I had no idea how much he could buy with that amount of money. We met outside the video store, and he was carrying 3 plastic bags full of stuff. It was scary. He bought hot chocolate, carob logs (because he was feeling sensitive... I can't eat chocolate/ coffee) 2 big packets of chips, mini marshmallows, mircowave popcorn, ANZAC biscuits and a variety of other things that I need not mention.

After he showed me EVERYTHING he had purchased, we went into the video store. We rented all 3 of the back to the future movies. We are watching number 1 ATM. I will update once more tomorrow morning, I promise.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pizza & Bronchitis

I have figured out that you guys don't actually exist, but thats okay. I'm happy just talking to myself and advertising where I can until there are people out there.

Anyway, I realised today that I eat WAY too much pizza. I do my shopping on Sunday, and my groceries usually consist of 7 prepackaged pizzas, two 2 litre tubs of English toffee ice-cream, a box of cereal, 3 bottles of caffeine-free pepsi, and 6 packets of lollies. I have pizza for dinner, then ice-cream for dessert. Lunch the next day, I have pizza leftover. It continues like this until I fall into and endless cycle of meatlovers and frozen dessert.

But, this may not make much sense. I was just talking the other day about choosing a university, but I'm doing my own shopping? I took a gap year between high school and uni so I could get some 'life experience'. So, I moved away from home, bought an apartment etc.

I also have bronchitis... Its like the flu (for me, anyway) but with a nagging, horrible cough. I have been curled up on my couch for 10 days watching my Doctor Who DVDs. Pair that with my inability to drive and my lack of bus money, and you have someone walking down the street trying to cough up her lungs. I had someone pull over and ask me if I needed to go to hospital. I tried to reply through my coughing, but they took me to hospital anyway (for some reason, they couldn't understand me). So now, in addition to antibiotics, I am now on a strong cough suppressant that completely knocks me out. So, I'm going to go to bed before I fall asleep on the couch.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Yo people. Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but I have had the flu. Am I forgiven?

Anyway, this is going to be a short post (I'm still sick). I was just wondering, does anyone actually read this  blog? The statistics say a few people do, but I would rather read it straight from you guys. So if you read my blog, or have just started reading it, please comment. Thanks (if you guys really exist).

Bye bye for now, I have to go take more medication.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I was sorting through my pictures, deciding which I could delete, and I found the strangest pictures. I'm not even sure why I have these.

This one, I believe, was for a school project. To the best of my recollection, we had to choose a country, draw its flag, then write a story about it. All the good countries were taken, so I wrote a story (similar to Hetalia... Look it up) about all the countries having personalities. I forgot to warn my teacher, and so got a grumpy face on my work (this was grade 1).

I can really not explain why I have a picture of a snake on my computer, but it may have something to do with a point in my life (last year) where I was desperate for a pet snake.

I don't even have this Album! I don't have a problem with Avril Lavigne, but I'm still not quite sure why this is actually on here. Sorry about her giving you the finger from your computer screens, but surely you were expecting that?
This was a pie I made for Food Technology (Home Economics), but I don't know why I have the picture of it on my home computer. I took the photo and uploaded it at school. Maybe I was just really proud.

Anyway proud blog viewers. Thats all I can find at the moment. Sorry about the enormous loading time, but sacrifices must be made.

University Open Days

Hi everyone... That seemed a logical way to start my blog 5 minutes ago, but now it feels stupid.

I went to a University Open Day today. It was fun. I saw hipsters. Walked in an awesome Library. But I have 1 problem with the University... They don't have any clubs/bands/orchestras in which I can play my Euphonium (If you don't know what that is, google it).

This is, of course, an easily remedied issue. But by my musical talent I will NOT be the one to do so. Someone else can go out there and make a club for brass players. As a soon to be first year Undergrad, I refuse to have the guts, moxie and/or pizzazz that it takes to speak to someone important. BAHA!

I say BAHA to Universities where I have to be forward thinking and strong-willed. I will simply have to go to more open days until I find one that meets all my needs, then settle in and keep my head down.

I should go to bed now, as it is almost midnight. Join me in one more cheerful BAHA before I say goodnight.