Saturday, April 27, 2013


Hi guys. I'm back. I only disappeared because since the 'Shakespeare Incident' I've been living in my parents basement and have only just gotten some form of internet back.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life since we last spoke. As I said, I'm living in parents basement again, and I have no intention of moving back out anytime soon. I'm just too lazy to go looking for an apartment that I can afford. It's a pretty good setup, I have my dogs with me again (as well as my cat), and I can paint the walls! So now I'm turning my home into a nerd cave. I really quite excited.

This is also the first blog post in which I'm doing my own html, mostly because blogger is being a bitch and not letting me just WRITE the damn blog post. Luckily I have this kind of backup. Hooray.

I should probably be asleep, since it's 4am and I have stuff to get done later. But it's really windy, and loud noises on the roof are keeping me awake. Congratulations, gentle reader, you're being used as an alternative to sleeping. Thanks.

I have a few new competitions planned, for eventually. One for when I reach 100 posts, and one for when I reach 10 followers. You can make one of those things happen, reader. And I don't mean coming to my house and gently stabbing me until I write more.

I currently have an evil scheme brewing, and while I'm too lazy to go into the details here, if you're a blogger interested in finding out exactly how crazy I am, then email me or contact me on facebook and I'll tell you what's going on.

Shakespeare has a new girlfriend, which has kind of got me in a stabby, lonely mood. But I'm fine. For some reason I thought it might take him a bit longer. Stupid assumption. Shakespeare's badass.

I'm going to stop writing now. Bye. Thanks for reading my babbling.