Sunday, October 16, 2011


Did you enjoy Shakespeare's post the other day? I hope so. he is thinking about starting a blog, so he wants feed back. I'm thinking about letting him write a few posts here so he can get some feed back. If he does, will you comment? Anyway...

I had a water fight with Shakespeare today. I was going to spend all day on the internet playing zombie games. I woke up at 9 am, and I walked downstairs to get my laptop and saw Shakespeare sitting on my couch. He was all like 'let's have a water fight today!' and I was just like NO!

Let me explain my apartment. There are a whole bunch of young people living here because the old people who own the place let us have really cheap rent.

So, Shakespeare and I started having a water fight, and by the end, the whole building was playing too. Then I realised that I was late for going out to dinner with my parents, and I was soaking wet. So I called my parents and told them I was going to be late, then I decided I wanted to tell you guys about my best Sunday ever. So now I'm really late for dinner at my parents and I should probably go, but I'm not going to just yet because I wanted to tell you that Shakespeare is possibly going to post here later or tomorrow, depending on if I get any responses in the comments about him.

So, anyway... What was this post about? Either Shakespeare or I will post later. Probably when I get home from dinner to tell you all about my insane parents and my need for microwave popcorn.


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