Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Job... Again

So, I got a new job this week. I wouldn't have changed, but I needed more money. So I've gone from being a waitress to being a receptionist.

I learned very quickly that, being front and centre like I am, I will hear many 'great ideas'. I've started, whenever hearing someone say 'now, I have this brilliant idea' replying (or muttering under my breath) 'yes, Baldrick, but your record in this department is hardly 100%' (not the exact quote, I know, but I think I did well remembering it). I simply can't help it. And yes, I know it's usually 'I have a cunning plan', but how often is someone going to say that?

Also, I've learned that the staff kitchen is a nightmare. I have to wait for someone else to come cover the phones before I can leave for lunch, so I can't be sneaky and get my food before everyone else. I also lost my sandwich. Now, to who else is a salad sandwich smothered in mustard a delicacy? I found the guy who took it and chased him out of the building. But my friend (I know, I made a friend!) warned me that I should probably not do that again if I want to keep my job. It had my name on it and everything! Seriously. I need a clever sign to put up warning people against the taking of my lunch. I'll work on it over the weekend.

I'm also in charge of handling the emails and such which go to the whole building. They go through me first. And while this makes me feel really special, I know that it's because they need someone to sift through all the shitty forwarded emails about kittens, babies and things like that. I must admit to letting one through because it was about HAAH, but aside from that, I am vigilant.

I've learned the names of the people in the office really quickly, but I have honestly no idea what most of them do. I know that Kathy works on level 6, but I don't know if she's an assistant, a boss, or a worker drone. Geez, she could be a goat, and I would have no idea.

Well, I think I ought to go to bed. I need a good nights sleep before I wake up at 6 am. But hey, at least they serve bacon in the breakroom for breakfast.


  1. Can't you just eat at the reception desk? :P Maybe if you promise not to make a mess.. Also people stealing food are pretty pathetic beings.. Unless you do it accidentally but that was not the case this time. I live in a student flat, and we normally just put the first letter of our name on our food, but we recently got a new flatmate with the same first letter as me. So you can understand the confusion, I almost took his milk! Which would've of course been disastrous.. >.<

    OK I'm rambling. Anyway, hope your new job is better than the previous! I have no time to work unfortunately, so I can't make any money.. luckily my parents have been really generous to me so far :)

  2. I'm not allowed to eat at my desk. I'm right in front of the door, and 'it would create a bad image for the company' (My bosses words). I replied saying that so would a starving receptionist. I nearly got fired, and I'm still not allowed to eat at my desk. It was a good idea though!

  3. Write on all your food "I sneezed on this". Nobody will ever touch it again!

  4. I'm not entirely sure that would work on some of the people here...

  5. It's kind of disappointing that nobody has commented on the Black Adder reference, but to offset my comment on it, I have to tell you that I don't know what HAAH is.

    Lunch-stealing seems to be a worldwide epidemic, and thieves have no shame at all. You can't stop them, and I bet the police won't even try to stop them. The only thing you can do is avoid leaving your property unattended in public. Or maybe you can come up with a cunning plan.
