Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jeff the Monkey

Okay, NoComedy, you wanted a post about a monkey. I even drew you a monkey!

This is Jeff.
Jeff looks nervous because he lives in the jungle. You know what else lives in the jungle? Tigers. Jeff is also nervous because this is his first time on the internet. I've told him that not that many people will see him, but he doesn't believe me. He's pretty paranoid like that.

Jeff might feature from time to time when I have lots of time and nothing to blog about. He'll be my back up when I want to write a post, but I don't want to babble about nothing.

But anyway, I think that is enough for now. Maybe next time, I'll elaborate, tell you his story or something. But for now, enjoy the picture, think about monkeys.


  1. He actually does look kind of nervous, lol!

    *gives him welcome hugs and politely asks not to have poo flung in his direction*

  2. Yay for monkeys! Jeff and Stompy can be friends n.n

  3. Cody, Jeff says thank you for the hugs! No poo flinging, he promises.

    Jeff would like a unicorn to ride around on who could protect him, NoComedy.
