Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just an update

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I wish I could. I've had exams and sickness. It's my first lot of University exams, so I've been freaking out a bit.

Anyway, down to business. There are a few things I have to tell you guys.

First of all, I'm starting a nail blog (I have to stop biting my nails, so I'm painting them. I decided I'd share my adventures). I figured it was better to make a new blog and make people who want to see them go there, instead of posting them here and losing followers because they don't want to see my nails. If you want to see them, here's the link: http://katienailblog.blogspot.com.au/

Next order of business. I'm being dragged up to see an exhibition of Grace Kelly's clothes and stuff by my friends. I mentioned that I wanted to go to it, and they decided we should all go up together. So, I'm going to be sitting in a car for 3 hours. I'm planning on writing a blog in the car (obviously I can't post it without internet) of my adventures, and you might get some photos.

It's Wednesday now, and the thing is on Sunday. I'm all distracted and already getting ready. It's a 3 hour drive there, and 3 hours back, so I've packed a box of stuff to do (mostly homework). We have be in the car at 6 in the morning, and I'm getting picked up by my friends, which means if they're late, we could miss our session time (9:30am). I don't really care that much though. There's going to be four of us going, which means I only have to drive for an hour and a half on the way back.

Lastly, I've been staying at my parents house, because I'm sick, and my house is all boxed. So I've been getting some quality time with my brother, since he's also sick. We're 'in quarantine' in the part of the house that I lived in during year 12. It has a little kitchenette and stuff, so we're fine, and I've been eating my mums chicken and dumpling soup like there's no tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm going to go. I'll update again on Sunday when I get home.Talk to you all later!


  1. Huh, that's a great way to connect with people!

    Step 1: Get sick.
    Step 2: Make them sick.
    Step 3: Profit.

    1. Yeah, that works... except for the profit part. Stupid brother, stealing my money for pizza...
