Friday, November 18, 2011

He's OKAY!

Shakespeare made it out alive. He's still in hospital, but I get to take him home tomorrow. His parents and I had a big fight over who was going to look after him. I think Shakespeare was hoping that this experience would bring us closer. Yeah right.

I took tomorrow off work so I can look after him, since the doctors said I should keep an eye on him until monday. I'm trying to decided what movies we're going to watch. Well, he's probably going to be the one watching them. I'll be watching him. Seriously, if he even so much as COUGHS I'm taking him back to the hospital.

Anyway, short post, since I just thought I needed to tell you that he was okay. I thought you might have been worried about him. It's like I know you, like you care whether my boyfriend stays alive. Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely. I'm assuming he's doing better, if he's able to post on VS?
