Monday, October 15, 2012

Trick or Treating

I have a philosophy. You are never to old for trick or treating. I'm 20, and I still go around every halloween and beg for candy. But, obviously, there are some things you have to consider:

1. What should I do for a trick?
Lots of people still go for the classic egg/tp the house. But, most of the time, these people are your neighbours. I'm friends with most of my neighbours, so I don't want to do something terribly mean, especially since they know where I live.

In that case, it's best to take the alternate trick route. You have to do something impressive enough that they go and have a good look in their cupboards, and possibly give you cash. Singing is always a good one, but you really have to play it beforehand, so that you have a cue signalling when you should start. 'This is Halloween' from the movie 'Nightmare before Christmas' is a good one, as is the monster mash, if you have someone (or several someones) confident enough to sing/speak by themselves.

2. When is the best time to go out?
The best time to leave is twilight. It's dark enough that the vampires with glow in the dark fangs are effective, but light enough that it's still possible to see the costumes. It will be dark by the time you get back, so pack a torch if streetlights are scarce in your neighbourhood.

(I'm going to keep updating this one as time goes on and I think of more things.)

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