Monday, October 29, 2012

It's hot (AKA the first not Halloween post since I announced I was doing that)

That is an adequate title. Because it is. Actually, it probably isn't all that hot. But, considering it's Monday and the weather on Saturday was dismal, I think I have a right to exaggerate how hot it is. This will be a running theme throughout the rest of this post.

Jae has made the decision that we both need to be healthier, better adjusted people. I agreed to this because it's easier than arguing that my internet friends think I'm well adjusted (that's an argument that never ends well for me). So, now I have to be up at 5am to go for a jog, because that's the only time of day it's going to be cool enough to go outside for the rest of summer (because, yes, with heat like this in the middle of october, I predict several 40 degree days in real summer). We also made the pact that if neither of us wanted to cook, we would have to run up to the supermarket and buy some of those fancy microwave spaghetti things. This is the new life I lead. Also, we decided we should both go to bed earlier, since it's not healthy to be going to bed at 3am when you're walking up at 5.

I've been catching public transport to work lately, because my car is bust (but can be repaired, and I am slowly getting that done), and my manager has deemed it inappropriate to drive my motorbike. Actually, he said it was inappropriate to park in the staff carpark. Same thing, really. My bus broke down this morning thanks to it's not being prepared for the heat either.

I went to a 21st party tonight, which is the only reason I'm still up at 12:30 (according to Jae's new super plan, we should at least be in bed by 10:30). The theme was "something that reminds you of your childhood." I was Barbie. Jae was a hotwheel's car. At one point in the evening, the airconditioning turned off. With about 200 people in the one room, it started to get really, really hot. Everyone was dying in their elaborate costumes, but I had come prepared. I slipped into the bathroom and took off my clothes. Then I went back into the party in nothing but a skin coloured bra and undies. I was cool, and I later got voted best costume. It's a lot less uncomfortable being that stripped down in front of people when you pretend it's a bikini.

That's probably the end of this post. I am writing one about Halloween candy, but I've hit a memory block with that one, so it will probably be posted late tomorrow. Night everyone!

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