Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm Happy again!

Hi guys. Remember this post (you should, it was the most recent one!) where I told you about my fight with Shakespeare? Well, he came by today and said he was sorry. The following is a conversation we had made up entirely of shouting through the door, because I wouldn't let him in:
S- Katie, it's me. I'm sorry, will you let me in?
K- No, go away!
S- I made you an apology cake. Please let me in!
K- What kind of cake is it? (I was actually considering letting him in at this point)
S- Vanilla! I'm sorry, I should let you live how you want!
K- No, go away!
S- Why?
K- I'm not letting you in. You took my internet!
S- You stole it back! Aren't we even?
K- No!
S- Again, WHY?
K- Because I love you and you made me sad!
S- I'm sorry, what can I do to show you that?
   Then I walked away and pouted on the couch. He let himself in with his key and put the apology cake in the kitchen and left. I looked at the cake and it had lots of edible flowers on it (Shakespeare's hobby is cake decorating). I realised that he was fantastic, so I called him and said I was sorry. Then he came over and I let him clean up my apartment. I was supervising.

So now I'm happy again! Please don't judge Shakespeare's neat freakiness, he doesn't do it on purpose.


  1. Smart women pass up apology flowers for apology cake and apology cleaning. And God knows someone has to supervise!

  2. Absolutely. I meant to take a photo of the cake, but I ate it. And I totally had to supervise! How else was he going to know where to put things?
