Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Girls Night

Look, a 3rd post in a month! I really am living up to my resolution! How've you been lately? I do want to know, tell me in the comments.

My girl friends and I used to go out for dinner and then come back to one of our houses to watch a cheesy  movie every Wednesday. We stopped early last year because they were all starting at (or returning to) University, so we didn't really have time anymore.

Well, tonight, we tried again. It's our first girls night without Rebecca (my best friend). She left us to go study in England for this year. We've been out for dinner, and we're just taking a 'facebook break' (they can't go this long without telling people what they're doing) so I decided to update you guys on my current situation. I told them I was doing this, and now I've got money on the fact that I can finish writing this before they're done.

We went to the restaurant I used to work at. It was awkward, because I recognised the other people working there, and had a chat with our waitress (who is joining us for our movie in about 10 minutes). On the plus side, we got a better table than they had planned for us, because when the guy who was cleaning off tables saw it was me, he went and cleared off my 'favourite' table (I used to roster myself so I got to serve it because it meant I got to look at the beautiful view out the window) with the window over looking the lake. 

After dinner, we just sort of decided to walk around the lake (two of my 3 friends were edging the line between tipsy and drunk). I saw a big tree and decided that I would be able to get the best photo ever if I climbed up (remember that I was not drunk. I'm just impulsive). I threw my shoes off and proceeded to clamber up the tree bare foot.

I got to the very top part of the tree and took one hand off the branch to take my photo. This threw my balance and I toppled out of the tree. I managed to grab at a few branches on the way down to slow my fall, but I still hit the ground hard. One of my friends had the sense to call an ambulance as I was falling. The other 2 just screamed and ran to me. 

Anyway, I spent the next 2 hours in the hospital. I twisted my ankle, but the rest of the time was spent getting the splinters out of my hands and feet. Since they had to use an Anesthetic, I can't pick things up and I can't walk. I had to be carried out to the car by two nurses (who my drunk friends tried to hit on. They were men), and my friends carried my into Sarah's house (Sarah is the one who called the ambulance). Now I have to stay here the night. At least I fed my cat before I left.

Update: Here's the photo:
Yes, I actually managed to snap a picture as I was falling.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, that kind of sucks!

    Well, at least you got carried by some male nurses ;)
