Sunday, December 30, 2012
So, um...
Forgive me? I've been sick...
Friday, December 28, 2012
Hey everyone!
First up: You may have noticed that their aren't anymore ads on the blog. That's because I will (all going well) be getting ads through project wonderful from now on. I can choose how big I want the ads, and what I want to allow. It's a much better system that Google Adsense, and I recommend it to everyone thinking about getting ads (or advertising, which I'm also doing).
Nextly, I've changed some other stuff up in the colour schemes and stuff. It's barely anything, though, so you probably didn't even notice. I'm still really happy with the swirly stuff going on in the background.
I do apologise for the lack of posts this month. Christmas kind of snuck up on me. I'll try to post about what happened over my Christmas soon after this post, and you can expect a post on the 1st of January.
That's really all I've got happening at the moment. Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus/Any others I can't think of Everyone!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Honestly, this is mostly a dumping ground for my stupid humour. But, really, if you like my blog, you'll probably enjoy some of the stuff in the store.
I've also updated the Awesome Button, so don't forget to click that too!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Important announcy things
The winner is:
Kat! "Then one foggy christmas eve Santa came to say, "Rudolf with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
I'll send off her prize tomorrow (Monday). Congrats and thanks to everyone who entered!
Friday, December 7, 2012
My first (and probably last) promotiony thing
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Things that make me stupidly happy
Not all escalators. Just certain ones. There's this one company here in Australia that makes elevators and escalators. They're the ones I like. Why? Because their name is Schindler's Lifts.
Mr Blue Sky by ELO:
38 fucking degrees!
Anyway, I'm laying on the sofa (with Jae on the other one) with a portable airconditioner and 3 fans working to keep us cool enough to get to sleep. Why? Because the air con in our building exploded from overuse today. I've got a 2 litre bottle of ice behind my pillow and a sock full of ice down my shirt. Last time Jae tried to take my sock I growled at him. I'm pretty sure my cat has melted, and I'm having trouble writing in full sentences.
The worst part is that this is an omen. The first days of summer (technically not even summer yet) being like this means that we're going to have some 40+ days in January. *Le sigh*.
Don't talk to me about wasting energy. We had a guy come visit our building and talk to all of us about other ways to keep our apartments cool without using too much power. Then we invited him up to our apartment (just after the air con incident) and let him make full use of our fans, air con and fridge full of beer. Apparently the poor guy had to walk around handing out pamphlets.
The air con exploding was quite spectacular. It had stopped working, and so a few of us went to see if anything was the matter with the main unit. Then some one turned on their air con and it went bang! No-one was hurt, but there was a lot of smoke. Now we have to wait for a new air conditioner, because this is the sort of thing that makes tenants leave.
I've added some new stuff I bought to the giveaway prize list, so go check that out!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to refreeze my sock.
Monday, November 26, 2012
SayCo's rant about money
Why do all my appliances choose to play up around Christmas?
Dishwasher? "Hehe. A dinner party, eh? Well, just try to clean up afterwards! *Explode*"
Car? "Oh, you need to drive around and visit relatives this time of year? Well, here's a list of 30 things direly wrong with me that were undetectable during my last service 3 months ago!"
DVD player? "Planning on getting a heap of new dvds for Christmas? Good luck watching them!"
Air Conditioner? "I bet it's going to be really hot this summer. SUCKER!"
Microwave? "Think you'll be needing me because you won't have time to cook? Well, I've forgotten how to tell you that your food's done and turn off!"
They're out to get me. I just know it.
So, the company I work for is closing for the month of December. It's understandable. The boss thinks he's being nice, letting us have Christmas month off with pay! Sadly, this means I'm getting about 3/4 of my usual pay, which in turn means that I have to get another job. What profession has jobs available over christmas, exclusively? RETAIL. I thought I'd escaped retail when I got a job as a waitress. It was even better when I got a job as a receptionist! Now I have to return to the demon profession. I've contemplated volunteering at a salvation army store, which I know sounds crazy, but I'm pretty sure it's the only job I'm qualified for these days.
Bills are evil. I have a bill to pay every week in November and December. That hasn't happened any other month this year. What the hell? Between bills, minified pay and buying food, I end up with about $100 spending money a fortnight, which, now that I put it that way, sounds like a lot more money than I thought. It's really not, I swear. Luckily I've been saving for Christmas presents all year.
One last thing in my rant. I'm so sick of meeting up with people I don't see all year just because it's Christmas. It's okay with certain friends (one who's always travelling, one who's still living with her overly controlling parents) but I have issues with being contacted by people who've ignored me all year.
Anyway, that's my rant. TL;DR: I hate not having money.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Christmas Giveaway part 2
You will win (these are pictures from various catalogues, since I haven't actually bought any of it yet):
A tin/box of Walkers Shortbread
(No picture. Do you really need a picture of shortbread?)
Christmas Mug (Could be any of these. Have to see what's in stock):

2 Sugar craft cookies, a reindeer and a santa (Who is not as strange looking as he seems in the picture. It's just a bad angle):
Big Ideas notepad:

"I wanna" Stamp:

Plus some other things I'm likely to find and just decide to add. It'll all be nicely wrapped with a card. It's a pretty sad giveaway right now (like I said, I'll be sort of adding things as I see them. I'll make sure to add them here as I buy them, though. Promise.) but all you have to do to win is be the 7th person to send me a Christmas carol.
Remember, entries close on the ninth of December. If I don't have 7 entries, I'll just choose the last one. Winner will be announced and the package sent on the 10th. You can find my email in the contact me section.
Good luck.
Monday, November 19, 2012
ETA: If there's any ads you see that you find offensive, please send me the url and I'll block it. None of the ads should contain viruses or graphic images, so it should be safe to at least click and get me the link. But if you're uncomfortable with that, just let me know which ad it is and I'll keep an eye out for it.
Anyway, apparently it's quite surprising for an introvert like me to love holidays this much (at least, that's what my psych says). But they're so fun!
Why am I so pumped for Christmas already? Because it's started for me! I'm writing and mailing cards, and my favourite place on the internet has started their secret santa. Plus, I've started buying all my Christmas presents.
AND! It's only 11 days until Shakespeare comes home from London. So that's a super exciting thing as well.
I'm doing another giveaway for Christmas. Just be the 7th person to send me an email containing your favourite Christmas carol (Lyrics) and you'll win a Christmas hamper! The last day to email me is the 9th of December. I'll announce the winner and send off the prize on the 10th.
That's it for this Christmas post, see you later!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sorry about Halloween
Okay, so I know I promised a super duper post on Halloween. But A) I didn’t have anyone enter my competition, and B) I had food poisoning. I’m good now, though. Just feeling a little weak.
That’s all I’m posting today. How did you spend your Halloween? Inform me in the comments!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Today, I did something I've been dreading for a while. I went to a church to speak to people about how Homosexuality is okay.
This all started when I was asked to do a talk at a local school. It could be about anything, they were just using us to show exemplary public speaking skills (see, I can be a real person!) I chose to do my presentation on homosexuality. Apparently, one of the people who runs the church heard my speech and thought I made a compelling argument, and so asked me to come and do a similar speech at the church.
So, that's how I wound up in the local catholic church trying to tell them about how awesome being gay is (even though I'm not). Honestly, I walked into the church and I would have liked to sink into the ground. I was getting these dark looks from people who clearly thought I shouldn't be there. I resisted the urge to run into the bathroom and hyperventilate.
Eventually, I finished my 10 minute speech (which seemed like it took hours). There were a lot more people smiling at this point. I got down off the podium and started to hyperventilate again. It was time for the Meet and Greet/Q&A (which I felt severely under prepared for, since I only had the statistics. I had no actually idea what it was like to be gay). Everything there went better than expected. I had people come up to me telling me how wonderful my speech was, asking me questions about why gay marriage should be allowed, and quoting their favourite lines to me. I didn't have anyone tell me I was wrong.
I assume that only open minded people were there, but it was a church exclusive event, so everyone there was a member of that church, and we ended up with a full house, including standing room at the back.
That was this morning, and since then I've had 4 or 5 calls from people who heard about my speech and want me to come to their church! Some are a bit far away from me to do at the moment, but I do have time off work in Jan, so perhaps an Australia-wide tour is in order (I'm not exaggerating. I did have a call from a church in perth).
Perhaps I need the straight persons equivalent of a beard. A gay person to join me in my adventure. Any takers?
Monday, October 29, 2012
It's hot (AKA the first not Halloween post since I announced I was doing that)
Jae has made the decision that we both need to be healthier, better adjusted people. I agreed to this because it's easier than arguing that my internet friends think I'm well adjusted (that's an argument that never ends well for me). So, now I have to be up at 5am to go for a jog, because that's the only time of day it's going to be cool enough to go outside for the rest of summer (because, yes, with heat like this in the middle of october, I predict several 40 degree days in real summer). We also made the pact that if neither of us wanted to cook, we would have to run up to the supermarket and buy some of those fancy microwave spaghetti things. This is the new life I lead. Also, we decided we should both go to bed earlier, since it's not healthy to be going to bed at 3am when you're walking up at 5.
I've been catching public transport to work lately, because my car is bust (but can be repaired, and I am slowly getting that done), and my manager has deemed it inappropriate to drive my motorbike. Actually, he said it was inappropriate to park in the staff carpark. Same thing, really. My bus broke down this morning thanks to it's not being prepared for the heat either.
I went to a 21st party tonight, which is the only reason I'm still up at 12:30 (according to Jae's new super plan, we should at least be in bed by 10:30). The theme was "something that reminds you of your childhood." I was Barbie. Jae was a hotwheel's car. At one point in the evening, the airconditioning turned off. With about 200 people in the one room, it started to get really, really hot. Everyone was dying in their elaborate costumes, but I had come prepared. I slipped into the bathroom and took off my clothes. Then I went back into the party in nothing but a skin coloured bra and undies. I was cool, and I later got voted best costume. It's a lot less uncomfortable being that stripped down in front of people when you pretend it's a bikini.
That's probably the end of this post. I am writing one about Halloween candy, but I've hit a memory block with that one, so it will probably be posted late tomorrow. Night everyone!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Halloween Costumes made from stuff in your closet
Monday, October 15, 2012
Halloween Giveaway!
Your entry doesn't need pictures, it just needs to work, since I'll be trying it!
The winner will be announced on Halloween. Good luck, Halloweenies!
Trick or Treating
1. What should I do for a trick?
Lots of people still go for the classic egg/tp the house. But, most of the time, these people are your neighbours. I'm friends with most of my neighbours, so I don't want to do something terribly mean, especially since they know where I live.
In that case, it's best to take the alternate trick route. You have to do something impressive enough that they go and have a good look in their cupboards, and possibly give you cash. Singing is always a good one, but you really have to play it beforehand, so that you have a cue signalling when you should start. 'This is Halloween' from the movie 'Nightmare before Christmas' is a good one, as is the monster mash, if you have someone (or several someones) confident enough to sing/speak by themselves.
2. When is the best time to go out?
The best time to leave is twilight. It's dark enough that the vampires with glow in the dark fangs are effective, but light enough that it's still possible to see the costumes. It will be dark by the time you get back, so pack a torch if streetlights are scarce in your neighbourhood.
(I'm going to keep updating this one as time goes on and I think of more things.)
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Halloween is my favourite holiday EVER. And last year, a huge number of blogs did halloween craft tutorials. Even the non-crafty ones. This year, I am disappointed by the lack of Halloween posts. It's about 2 weeks away, and I've seen maybe 1.
I'm making it my mission to change that. Starting today, I'm going to be posting the broke peoples guide to halloween. It's going to feature cheap costume and decoration ideas and how to's, many with an estimated cost (In Australian Dollars, of course)! I plan to start today, since I've been creating since the wee hours!
This will all lead up to a mega post on halloween!
So, look for a post later, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Random Beach Conversations
Sunday, September 30, 2012
My love hate relationship with the beach
Love: I can run all over the same dunes.
Hate: When it's been raining, every step is like walking in quick-sand.
Love: It's a great place for swim and stamina training.
Hate: You get sand in places you didn't know sand could get.
Love: I can sit in the sun and internet.
Hate: The internet inside the house is shitty.
Love: Being with my friends for 2 weeks.
Hate: Having 1 bathroom between the 4 of us.
Love: There's a massive garden.
Hate: It's all in bloom at the moment. Hayfever.
Love: My friend's family owns the house, so we don't have to worry about paying for it.
Hate: My friends have decided that I'm the one who has to walk to town and buy the food.
Love: We have a washing machine.
Hate: We don't have a dish washer.
Love: It has massive windows in all the rooms (except the bathroom).
Hate: None of the windows have curtains. Not even the ones in the bedrooms.
I'm going to keep adding to this list as I think of things, so hold your horses for more.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Okay, so...
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Do I have to have a post title?
I had a bitch of a day today.
It all started when I had a client come into my workplace with her 7 year old daughter. The client went off to her consultation and asked if I, the receptionist, could watch her daughter while she was busy. I tried to say no, but I was pushed into it by my boss.
The kid was wearing a short tank top and tiny little denim shorts. She was okay to start with, and just played on her iPhone (I don't even have an iPhone. How does a 7 year old get one?). But then she started to get bored, and came over to my computer while I was getting a cup of coffee. When I got back, all my windows had been closed and she was watching a video on youtube at full volume.
So, I told her off and restarted all my work. I managed to get a little quiet before she suddenly started tell our clients how rubbish the place was as they walked in the door. I had some people walk straight back out, and some come and complain to me.
I'd had enough at this point, so I looked her in the eye and said "where did you find that outfit? Did you take it from your barbies?" Then I marched her up to the conference room where her mother was and told her that I couldn't handle it anymore. I told her everything that had happened and she took her daughters phone away and made her sit quietly while she finished her consultation.
So now I'm sitting at home drinking a mojito and watching Doctor Who, finally glad to have a chance for peace (did I mention that was happening for the entire time I was at work?)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Hey y'all
So, I had a really dull day today. I watched Doctor Who all day with Jae. He has this really irritating habit of, when he gets bored of the episode we're watching, pointing out all the inconsistencies and flawed logic in the episode. It really pisses me off. So today I did something about it.
I let him get away with it a few times, hoping he would get it out of his system. He didn't. So, I quietly got up and found some duck tape. I don't think he even noticed I left the room. I came back and hid the duck tape as I sat down. Then, the next time he did it, I pulled the duck tape on him, taped over his mouth as well as I could. I haven't let him talk since. This happened about 7pm, just after dinner.
The moral of this story is: There is nothing ducktape can't fix.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sudden decisions
I'm going to ramble about what ever happens to me during the day, or maybe stories from my childhood.
This is my post for today (because I'm a cheater). I'll be back tomorrow.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Bucket List
Be on TV
Paint a mural
Write a song
What I love about where I live
- My house is about 200 metres from both a pizza hut and a Hungry Jacks.
- My neighbours have honeysuckle (it's not honeysuckle, but it's close enough) and they have a sign out the front that says 'take us much as you like'.
- I live near a bike path on which you can get anywhere in the city.
- It's a semi-gated community. There's a gate at the front, but it's not fenced or anything.
- All my neighbours have awesome gardens.
- Someone set up a basketball hoop on one of the power line poles for the whole court (yes, I live in a court) to use. We often decide on weekends to go around, knock on all the doors and get everyone to play.
- My elderly next door neighbours have internet that they never use. They let everyone in my building (we're all poor students) use it for free.
- My upstairs neighbours (I live in an apartment building) have lots of parties which they invite everyone in the building too.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Look, it's me again!
Anyway, this is my tumblr. You should go there. I (supposedly) update that more than this. Because it's easier for you to take my stupid in small doses.
Also, I'm sorry, but I've put the 30 days on hold for now, and I'm going to start it again on my tumblr. So keep an eye out for that.
My next plan isn't going to take to much effort on my part. But I'll put that in a different post, because it's long, and I don't want this stuff to get lost in a sea of information. It's going to be easier to find this way, as well.
That's all for now. BYE!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Day One
30 day Challenge
The whole point of this is that there's a question everyday for 30 days. Really simple. Some of them will be short answer, some will seem like short answers, but I'll have a story to go with it, and some will be fairly long.
These are the things I'll be writing about:
Day1: Your full name.
Day2: Favorite food.Day3: Favorite TV show.Day4: What you want to do before you die.Day5: Favorite place.Day6: Favorite drink.Day7: Favorite movie.Day8: What you want to do when you grow up.Day9: Favorite book.Day10: Where are you from.Day11: How old are you.Day12: Sibilings.Day13: Someone you miss the most.Day14: Someone you love.Day15: Favorite store. Day16: Describe yourself.Day17: Celebrity crush.Day18: Favorite band/singer.Day19: Favorite song.Day20: Favorite quote.Day21: What your crush/bf/gf looks like.Day22: What you look for in a person.Day23: Your best friend, and why?Day24: Person who knows everything about you.Day25: Last time you cry and why?Day26: Thing you love to do.Day27: Favorite Boy name and why?Day28: First concert.Day29: Your birthday.Day30: WHY DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF?
So, I'll start right now. But in a different post. Bye.
Awesome Search Words Award!
Thank you 'The Dreamer'!
You can have one of two mystery prizes. First is an actual tangible prize that gets sent to your real house, and the second is something that's possible without giving me your address. The first is a better prize, but you know, some people are a bit uncomfortable giving information out on the internet. I do promise that I'm not going to stalk you or anything.
You can tell me what you want me to do by posting in the comments or messaging the page on facebook here (of which I am the only person who can see messages). I'm cool either way.
So, that's the competition, folks. You can all go back to your lives now.
The Challenge
You guys are going to help me do this. Tell your friends about me. If you haven't followed me yet, DOOOOO EEEEET! Post about my blog on facebook and twitter and Tumblr and all those wonderful places!
"What's in it for me?" I hear you say. Well, if I manage to reach my goal, all my followers get to pick one word, and I have to write a post/story incorporating all those words. Or possibly not that. I'm still undecided. But the point is that there WILL be something in it for all of you.
So, get to it! I'll go see if I can find a follower counter to go on the side of the page.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Changes & Updates
First of all, the Awesome Button. This will (hopefully) change every month. It will link to a blog or something that is just... Wonderful.
Other than that, I've just made some general updates. I've changed some things in the side bar, and if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, there are a few, less recent changes.
That's all I really wanted to say. I shouldn't be making any more changes for a while.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I am so very angry.
This was another one of my shitty, shitty days. I woke up and decided that I wanted porridge for breakfast. I got the 90 second microwave stuff into the bowl and opened my fridge to grab some milk. Then I realised it was unusually warm in there. It turned out that it had come unplugged in the night, and so everything had gone off. I spent the next hour cleaning out the bad stuff, including the milk. Then I woke up Jae, who is living with me at the moment, to help me shift it so I could see what the problem was. I dropped it on my foot and broke several bones.
So, then it was off to the hospital so we could see the damage. I sat in the waiting room for 2 hours, and I was, at this point, stewing with rage and pain. Finally I got seen by a doctor, and had to wait another hour for an x-ray.
Finally we got out of the hospital and drove to the nearby shopping centre to replace the spoiled things from my fridge, and get a coffee to make me feel better. We drove around for an hour looking for a carpark until we finally found one that was then stolen from us by some idiot. I screamed abuse at him and we left.
We decided to skip the coffee and just go to the supermarket near home. We got there and they were out of milk, but told us they were expecting a delivery in about half an hour. We decided to wait. The delivery arrived an hour later.
I went and shouted at the customer service people about not having milk (I mean, how ridiculous is that?). They offered me my $2 milk for free but, though this cheered me up a little, I was still furious.
So, now I'm home, I still haven't had my porridge, and it's only 3pm. How much worse is this day going to get?
An incomplete list of all the sports I tried:
Track and field
Water polo
Jousting (no, I'm not kidding)
I'm going to talk about my experiences in all of those. Some of them will only be one sentence, while others I actually have real stories for.
Basketball: I loved playing basketball. I played with one team for 4 years. Then we had a change of coach, and I was kicked out because of my 'attitude problems'. The new coach's daughter started when her mother started coaching, and wanted to be number 7. I had always been number 7, even before I started playing with that team. It was, and still is, my lucky number. I wanted to keep my number, and the rest of the team did too. We weren't superstitious, but, you know, when something seems lucky, you don't change it. But, the coach gave her daughter number 7. That didn't worry me much. It's just something that happens. Then we found out that the daughter wasn't actually very good, but our coach would sub off some of our best players so that her daughter could play. So, one day, I snapped. We had just lost a game because she kept our best player on the bench the entire game, and I started shouting at her. Then I got kicked out, and I was so angry I didn't even try to look for another team.
Netball: In high school, I played netball. I wasn't very good at shooting or that sort of thing, but I was an awesome defender. I was always trying to convince the coach to let me play Goal Keeper, but we were assigned positions on a rotational basis, and so I had to play the positions I hated, and somebody who would rather be right in the game had to play GK. So, in the end, I just quit.
Soccer: I played soccer in high school for a year. I was actually pretty good, but I didn't get picked for the team the next year. That's all.
Track and field: No big story behind this one, I just sort of drifted away from track into triathalons.
Swimming: I swam for years and years, but then I got to old to swim with the club I was with, and just started doing triathalons instead.
AFL: I played this with a company called Auskick, until I was told that girls aren't allowed to play as adults. That sort of thing can be pretty disheartening.
Rugby: See the above AFL story.
Water Polo: I played pretty well for several years, but I injured my knees and couldn't play properly.
Jousting: When I was 18, I joined a local medieval group and I jousted for them. I had some experience horse riding, and under the armour (yes, I even had armour) you couldn't tell I was a woman. Sadly, many of the people in the group moved out of town and we simply didn't have the man power to put on the shows any more.
Triathalons: This is my current sport. It combines two of my great loves; running and swimming (and I'm not a bad cyclist, either), so it seemed the logical combination of the 2.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Search Words Part 2
That was all I had to say. Get going, I'm only giving you one more week.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Things that I have learned in the past week
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Well, that was all I had to say. I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
So, even though this is a huge decision, I want you guys to help me decide. I will be happy with any of these, so I'm putting up a poll. Help me choose!
Your options are (all of these will only be outlines, I just couldn't find some of them):
Friday, June 15, 2012
Blind Date
Anyway, my friend Jae is recently single (ladies
It was, honestly, the worse date of my life. As any Aussies here should know, all the shops are having their mid year sales. I wanted to go into the game stores and books shops. She wanted to go into all the shoe shops and clothes shops (crazy woman), so, as you can imagine, their was a great deal of disagreement on this trip.
Anyway, somehow, we made it through to dinner. We got to the restaurant that Jae had made reservations at and, although they had ‘misplaced’ his reservation, we managed to get a table. Then we were forced to talk to each other for an hour and a half while we ate. Shakespeare was his usual charming self, Jae was trying to be, and I just kept my mouth shut.
So, after the dinner, when the woman (Julie, I think her name was) had gone home, I dragged Shakespeare and Jae back to my parents house (where I am currently staying) to tell them about the shopping trip. After I had told the story, Jae called Julie and broke up with her. Apparently his plan was to see if she was the perfect woman (which is, essentially, me). Turns out she isn’t. I comforted him by saying that one day, he would find his perfect weird match. He and Shakespeare are now spending the night here (and are currently planning the perfect woman). I’m watching Doctor Who, as always, and writing this and another post.
I’m writing another post for tonight (which may, in fact, be published tomorrow), so I’m going to leave this post for now. Nighty night!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Search words
Lots of blogs do posts about their ridiculous search words. I wanted to, but almost all of mine are ‘Letter to my Boyfriend’ (and one that’s ‘My Ridiculus Life’. Urgh). So, I’m holding a competition. The person who can find my blog under the most ridiculous search wins a fantastic prize*.
- You must post the google search link in the comments of this post (so I know you’re not lying)
- You must click the link (otherwise it won’t show up in my search terms, and this exercise is pointless)
- If it is submitted anywhere but this post, it won’t be counted for the awesome prize*.
So, that’s it! Get searching, people!
*Please note, prize may not be fantastic or awesome. Results may vary.
This is Weird…
Okay, so I just discovered Windows Live Writer on my School/work laptop. Obviously, I immediately connected this blog to it. It’s pretty crazy, though. It looks totally different to the normal Blogger I’m used to. I opened it and, rather than letting me look around and explore, it has insisted that I write a post.
But, at least this means I’ll be able to update when I’m somewhere (like my work) that has Blogger blocked.
It asked me my username. I didn’t really know what to put, and so, after a bit of thinking, I told it my name was Katie (that’s the name I post comments and such under). It had a problem with this, so I just gave it my email address. That was fine. Why didn’t it just say email address? I’ll be glad when my regular computer is fixed.
I just wanted to try this out. I’m going to go into blogger when I finish this, just to see if it works. It looks like my blog. It’s got the crazy background and everything. I’m just a bit wary that it won’t work. I’ve had experiences like that before.
Anyway, I’m going to go see what happens when I post from here. BYE!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Just an update
Anyway, down to business. There are a few things I have to tell you guys.
First of all, I'm starting a nail blog (I have to stop biting my nails, so I'm painting them. I decided I'd share my adventures). I figured it was better to make a new blog and make people who want to see them go there, instead of posting them here and losing followers because they don't want to see my nails. If you want to see them, here's the link:
Next order of business. I'm being dragged up to see an exhibition of Grace Kelly's clothes and stuff by my friends. I mentioned that I wanted to go to it, and they decided we should all go up together. So, I'm going to be sitting in a car for 3 hours. I'm planning on writing a blog in the car (obviously I can't post it without internet) of my adventures, and you might get some photos.
It's Wednesday now, and the thing is on Sunday. I'm all distracted and already getting ready. It's a 3 hour drive there, and 3 hours back, so I've packed a box of stuff to do (mostly homework). We have be in the car at 6 in the morning, and I'm getting picked up by my friends, which means if they're late, we could miss our session time (9:30am). I don't really care that much though. There's going to be four of us going, which means I only have to drive for an hour and a half on the way back.
Lastly, I've been staying at my parents house, because I'm sick, and my house is all boxed. So I've been getting some quality time with my brother, since he's also sick. We're 'in quarantine' in the part of the house that I lived in during year 12. It has a little kitchenette and stuff, so we're fine, and I've been eating my mums chicken and dumpling soup like there's no tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm going to go. I'll update again on Sunday when I get home.Talk to you all later!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
So, I'm not going to talk about that any more. If you want me to, I'll write another post about it.
Aside from that, I've been pretty boring. School hasn't been too bad (it's why I haven't blogged lately), and illness has been making life difficult.
And I'm lonely. Shakespeare is arranging stuff so I can move in with him, so he's not around at the moment. But I'm on chat, so...
I actually don't have that much more to say in this post. I'm writing a new one soon, but it's a story.
Now, go be happy for me in the comments!
Also, do I have to have an engagement party? Cause I'm not good at parties.
Friday, April 27, 2012
A Letter To My Boyfriend
I refuse to write a gushy, sappy letter. This is me, and I don't do that (often).
So, you and I have been dating for about 2 and a half years now. I need to get one thing straight. I do not want any children. I'm not even sure I want to get married. This may change eventually, but right now, no. I dislike children, and have no desire to be around them. Even if they're my own.
You are not supposed to like me when I am sick, or on my period. When you volunteer to go buy me tampons/medication and rent a movie, you make me suspicious. You will not get more sex out of this behaviour. If this is what you're trying to do, it is a thinly disguised and badly thought out attempt.
Now, not everything you do is bad. When I asked you to come over and bring chocolate (and I asked you over chat) you were there in ten minutes. As Kat said, this (as well as some other things previously mentioned on the blog) got you ALL the boyfriend points. You're marvellous in many respects. You can also sense when I need you. Like tonight, when I was feeling down and you showed up with flowers and cake.
Cake leads me to my next point. You bake, cook and sew. I would probably have starved without you. You appear to be the woman in this relationship. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing (as long as you keep bringing me cookies) but it is interesting.
You are also ever patient with me. When I'm lazy/boring/bored/obsessed with something, you just put up with me, entertain me, laugh at my bad jokes, or help me obsess. This is wonderful, and something I've never had in a boyfriend before, and so, when I get mad at you because I think you're mocking me, thank you for understanding.
Shakespeare, if this 'perfect boyfriend' behaviour does not cease, I may be forced to lose you to another woman. That is not something that I want to happen. So, please, for the sake of our relationship, tone down the perfection.
Love from your ridiculous girlfriend, Katie (in case you weren't sure).
Monday, April 23, 2012
That's NoComedy
The topic is public transport, because we all have a little something to say about it, huh? Buses being late, or not even showing up, scary people on the know. Anyway, I want to take some time to put a positive spin on public transport. Thus, I submit to you all:
- Bus drivers who actually wait for the person running desperately towards the bus as it pulls away from the stop.
- That lady who helped me when I didn't know what bus stop to get off at the first time I caught the bus to a mates place.
- I have to walk ten minutes to my train station. This is a good thing because I like walking
- Seeing the occasional bus driver dressed as Father Christmas around December.
- Accidentally overhearing interesting conversations.
- That feeling of relief when you get off the bus/train and out into fresh air after you've been stuck sitting next to a heavy smoker.
- Popcorn. I suppose it's not really about public transport, but I have some right now and it's awesome.
- How some buses look like they have faces. I like the smiley buses.
- Standing on the platform in the middle of the articulated buses (or 'tickle buses', as I used to call them when I was little) when the bus goes around a tight corner.
Also there is a bus stop near my house where the seat is angled in such a way that I can't touch the ground with my feet when I'm sitting on it. At first I didn't like it at all, but I've come to like the way that it makes me feel like I'm a little kid again.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
What happened last night
(fixed spelling mistakes will be in brackets)
(Anything I'm clearing up will be underlined &Brackets)
Plain text is what I wrote last night.
*Third glass of wine finished*
Hi. I'm at my parents house and slightly intoxicated. So, with another wine in my hand, I'm going to try this drunk blogging thing that I'v heard so much about. So, here it goes. Don't judge me.
I'm supposed to be doing homework. But I decided just now that University is stupid and I'm going to go be a stripped(stripper). I have a nice body, so it could work. And Shakespeare's not around to tell me to stop being stupid. So I'm calling my university in the morning. I tried calling like 5 seconds ago, but they were shut gor(for) the night.
I got us some guest bloggers. NOCOMEDY AND (I accidentally hit capslock here instead of Shift) fuddlebob. You'll have to wait for them though. I'm also going to gues(guest) blog at Nocomedy.
I'm at my parents because I visit them every Friday or Saturday and stay the night.(I lost my train of thought here, and couldn't think of anything else to say about that, so I changed subject) I had a work party today annd I hate parties. But I had to go, becuase Kathy from HR was leaving, and I was kind of friends with her. So I had to go because otherwise I would have seemed like a bitch. And then everyone would have hated me,(and then I would have been fired), and then I'd be poor, and then I would have money for pizza and alcohol.
Drugs are bad. I just saw one of those drug ads on tv, and I realised that I have never done drugs.(At least there was a segue there) I have also never ridden a horse backwards. I've ridden a horse lots of times, just never backwards. I bet it would be fun. But it would also be scary, beczuse you couldn't tell the horse where to go.
I'm watching Torchwood, and John Barrowman is SEXY. He's on my list of people that if I ever had the chance, I would leave Shakespeare for in a heart beat. The list also includes Matt Smith And Benedict Cumberbatch. I know John Barrowman's gay, but I would totally go lesbian for him (Drunk me, that's not how it works)
I just chipped my nail typing that, and it's all your fault. My brother is here, and he's ruining all my fun. I wanted to go chlimb(climb) the tree in the back yard, and he said 'NO, you're unco anyway. You'll kill yourself.' So I'm going to lay out the blankets and stuff around the botton(bottom) of the tree, so that if I fall, I won't get hurt. See? Even when I'm partially intoxicated I'm brilliant.(No, you're not)
So, anyway, I'm going to go see if there's more wine. I might be back. Probably not. Only if I climb the tree.
*Fourth Glass of wine was finished*Update: Okay, so I totally just climbed the tree. My parents thought I was nuts, but they just told me not to die. And I totally didn't. (I didn't climb the tree. I got about three branches up and decided I was high enough)
*Fifth glass of wine was finished, once I was down from the tree*
I should apologise here. After this, I went on VS chat. So I need to apologise to Fuddlebob and anyone else I spoke to. I believe at one point I was in awe of the fact that Fuddle worked at a school, when in fact I have never wanted to work in a school in my life. Apparently drunk me wants to shape the minds of children everywhere.
Hi guys!
I'm supposed to be doing homework. But I decided just now that University is stupid and I'm going to go be a stripped. I have a nice body, so it could work. And Shakespeare's not around to tell me to stop being stupid. So I'm calling my university in the morning. I tried calling like 5 seconds ago, but they were shut gor the night.
I got us some guest bloggers. NOCOMEDY AND fuddlebob. You'll have to wait for them though. I'm also going to gues blog at Nocomedy.
I'm at my parents because I visit them every Friday or Saturday and stay the night. I had a work party today annd I hate parties. But I had to go, becuase Kathy from HR was leaving, and I was kind of friends with her. So I had to go because otherwise I would have seemed like a bitch. And then everyone would have hated me, and then I'd be poor, and then I would have money for pizza and alcohol.
Drugs are bad. I just saw one of those drug ads on tv, and I realised that I have never done drugs. I have also never ridden a horse backwards. I've ridden a horse lots of times, just never backwards. I bet it would be fun. But it would also be scary, beczuse you couldn't tell the horse where to go.
I'm watching Torchwood, and John Barrowman is SEXY. He's on my list of people that if I ever had the chance, I would leave Shakespeare for in a heart beat. The list also includes Matt Smith And Benedict Cumberbatch. I know John Barrowman's gay, but I would totally go lesbian for him.
I just chipped my nail typing that, and it's all your fault. My brother is here, and he's ruining all my fun. I wanted to go chlimb the tree in the back yard, and he said 'NO, you're unco anyway. You'll kill yourself.' So I'm going to lay out the blankets and stuff around the botton of the tree, so that if I fall, I won't get hurt. See? Even when I'm partially intoxicated I'm brilliant.
So, anyway, I'm going to go see if there's more wine. I might be back. Probably not. Only if I climb the tree.
Update: Okay, so I totally just climbed the tree. My parents thought I was nuts, but they just told me not to die. And I totally didn't.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Girls Night
Update: Here's the photo:
Yes, I actually managed to snap a picture as I was falling.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I'm dying.
I think I have the flu. I can't be sure, because I've seen a couple of different doctors, and they're saying different things. Anyway, the point is, I've been home since Thursday with dying. This is what I look like:
Another Update: Okay, so Shakespeare got back from work at 4:30, and I was crying because we were out of cold/flu medication. So he took me to the shopping 'plaza'* and said he would go by me my game while I went to the Chemist and supermarket.
When I got to the chemist, I looked around for ages and ages until I figured out that they were out of the only stuff that's been helping. This realisation caused me to break down into tears. The nice lady who worked there brought me into the back room and gave me some water. Then, when I told her why I was crying, she looked around out the stock room and found a few more boxes of the medication. I felt really silly, and I told her so. She said that it happened a lot more that you'd think, because people aren't equipped to handle disappointment when they're sick. When she put it through the register, she used her employee discount. I hugged her before I left.
Then I went to the supermarket and suddenly felt really bad for 'making' Shakespeare do all this stuff for me. It's not like we live together, so he could have just avoided me or done minimal work for me. But he's been helping me with everything. So I bought him a box of fancy chocolates that he is not to share with me under any circumstances. I also bought microwave popcorn, some ice cream and peppermint chocolate.
I went and waited by the car. Shakespeare came back eventually and looked all successful, and now I have Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, which I am just dying to play. Once he came back, we talked about what to have for dinner, and decided to go to the Chinese restaurant on the corner.
Now we're back at my house, sitting in my bed wrapped in blankets and watching Sherlock (which is the most amazing series of all time). Shakespeare says we're going to watch until we fall asleep. I asked what we'd do if we ran out of episodes. His answer? We'll just have to move on to Doctor Who, won't we?
This is why I love him.
*It's a plaza because it's like a shopping centre, but it's out side, and the shops are around the outside of the carpark. I don't know any better way to explain it. You've probably got one near you.