Saturday, April 21, 2012

What happened last night

Okay, so I read over my drunk blog from last night, and I wanted to clear up some stuff. So, I'm just going to put it here and correct as I go along.

(fixed spelling mistakes will be in brackets)
(Anything I'm clearing up will be underlined &Brackets)
Plain text is what I wrote last night.

*Third glass of wine finished*
Hi. I'm at my parents house and slightly intoxicated. So, with another wine in my hand, I'm going to try this drunk blogging thing that I'v heard so much about. So, here it goes. Don't judge me.

I'm supposed to be doing homework. But I decided just now that University is stupid and I'm going to go be a stripped(stripper). I have a nice body, so it could work. And Shakespeare's not around to tell me to stop being stupid. So I'm calling my university in the morning. I tried calling like 5 seconds ago, but they were shut gor(for) the night.

I got us some guest bloggers. NOCOMEDY AND (I accidentally hit capslock here instead of Shift) fuddlebob. You'll have to wait for them though. I'm also going to gues(guest) blog at Nocomedy.

I'm at my parents because I visit them every Friday or Saturday and stay the night.(I lost my train of thought here, and couldn't think of anything else to say about that, so I changed subject) I had a work party today annd I hate parties. But I had to go, becuase Kathy from HR was leaving, and I was kind of friends with her. So I had to go because otherwise I would have seemed like a bitch. And then everyone would have hated me,(and then I would have been fired), and then I'd be poor, and then I would have money for pizza and alcohol.

Drugs are bad. I just saw one of those drug ads on tv, and I realised that I have never done drugs.(At least there was a segue there) I have also never ridden a horse backwards. I've ridden a horse lots of times, just never backwards. I bet it would be fun. But it would also be scary, beczuse you couldn't tell the horse where to go.

I'm watching Torchwood, and John Barrowman is SEXY. He's on my list of people that if I ever had the chance, I would leave Shakespeare for in a heart beat. The list also includes Matt Smith And Benedict Cumberbatch. I know John Barrowman's gay, but I would totally go lesbian for him (Drunk me, that's not how it works)

I just chipped my nail typing that, and it's all your fault. My brother is here, and he's ruining all my fun. I wanted to go chlimb(climb) the tree in the back yard, and he said 'NO, you're unco anyway. You'll kill yourself.' So I'm going to lay out the blankets and stuff around the botton(bottom) of the tree, so that if I fall, I won't get hurt. See? Even when I'm partially intoxicated I'm brilliant.(No, you're not)

So, anyway, I'm going to go see if there's more wine. I might be back. Probably not. Only if I climb the tree.
*Fourth Glass of wine was finished*Update: Okay, so I totally just climbed the tree. My parents thought I was nuts, but they just told me not to die. And I totally didn't. (I didn't climb the tree. I got about three branches up and decided I was high enough)
*Fifth glass of wine was finished, once I was down from the tree*

I should apologise here. After this, I went on VS chat. So I need to apologise to Fuddlebob and anyone else I spoke to. I believe at one point I was in awe of the fact that Fuddle worked at a school, when in fact I have never wanted to work in a school in my life. Apparently drunk me wants to shape the minds of children everywhere.


  1. I am honoured that my name is the one in capitals :D

    1. You should be. It appears drunk me loves you as much as sober me.

  2. Oh my god. This is brilliant. So.
    Also, someone remind me to drunk-blog. Although, not anytime soon, i'm still getting used to the new layout. If Drunkat tried it, she'd just get confused and give up. Or spill tequila on the laptop again. Yeah…
    -sidenote, i remember seeing sassycoconut. I can't remember what we talked about though. I think I licked you, and then later, you brought about the Zombie Apocalypse. Mhm.

  3. That was very funny. Who knows maybe the tree only had five branches so you did nearly climb it :) you did well to be still drinking after four glasses of wine. I don't get what all the fuss is over wine. What is VS chat?
    Hope you don't mind me reading your back catalogue of blogs. Like I said somewhere else... Bored.

    1. VS chat is the chat belonging to a forum inhabited by readers of a blog:

      I don't mind you reading my past posts. But they get a bit embarrassing back there :)
