Friday, September 14, 2012

Bucket List

Okay, I said I'd post it, so I'm going to. This will be updated as I do them and think of more.

Have a piece of work in the Victorian State Library
Get a tattoo
Get an interesting piercing
Visit 10 different countries
Meet a celebrity
Ride a camel
Bungee Jump
Take a ride in a hot air balloon
Make a full length movie
Parachute out of a plane
Make a chess set
Be on TV
Paint a mural
Write a song


  1. Ooooh! We can get piercings together when I come to Melbourne! I'm considering a rook piercing!

    1. Yes! Awesome. Although, maybe not. I'm trying to avoid 'frivolous' expenses. I have too many things to be squirrelling my money away for.
