Saturday, July 28, 2012

I am so very angry.

I am going to have to resist the urge to type this whole thing in caps. But that's how mad I am.

This was another one of my shitty, shitty days. I woke up and decided that I wanted porridge for breakfast. I got the 90 second microwave stuff into the bowl and opened my fridge to grab some milk. Then I realised it was unusually warm in there. It turned out that it had come unplugged in the night, and so everything had gone off. I spent the next hour cleaning out the bad stuff, including the milk. Then I woke up Jae, who is living with me at the moment, to help me shift it so I could see what the problem was. I dropped it on my foot and broke several bones.

So, then it was off to the hospital so we could see the damage. I sat in the waiting room for 2 hours, and I was, at this point, stewing with rage and pain. Finally I got seen by a doctor, and had to wait another hour for an x-ray.

Finally we got out of the hospital and drove to the nearby shopping centre to replace the spoiled things from my fridge, and get a coffee to make me feel better. We drove around for an hour looking for a carpark until we finally found one that was then stolen from us by some idiot. I screamed abuse at him and we left.

We decided to skip the coffee and just go to the supermarket near home. We got there and they were out of milk, but told us they were expecting a delivery in about half an hour. We decided to wait. The delivery arrived an hour later.

I went and shouted at the customer service people about not having milk (I mean, how ridiculous is that?). They offered me my $2 milk for free but, though this cheered me up a little, I was still furious.

So, now I'm home, I still haven't had my porridge, and it's only 3pm. How much worse is this day going to get?


  1. Oh dear! that is a horrid day. I hope you're feeling better. Rest and ice, elevate that foot, love.

    Your friend, WKS.

    1. I am feeling a lot better (yay painkillers!). Sadly, days like this seem to happen to me an awful lot.
