Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Well, Shakespeare announced today that we should date other people before we commit to each other so that we're sure we've made the right choice. Which is something that's been on my mind, since we both have fairly short romantic histories (He's my 3rd real relationship, and the second one was a douche), but not something I would ever consider leaving over. So I left, and am currently staying at a friends house because 1am is not a respectable time to show up at my parents house in tears.

That's all for now.

Update: I called him today (because I have no problems with seeming desperate) and we chatted. He said that he wanted to date/sleep with other women, but he didn't want to do that while we were together, so he was going to "get that out of his system then come crawling back" (actual quote from our conversation), which is both sweet and unbelievably idiotic. So I feel better. Still upset with him, but I see his point, and it's been one I've been thinking about too.

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