I like this piece because conveys a sense of peace and simplicity. By using the rule of thirds to create an open expanse of sky, the artist balances the art and gives a sense of relaxation. By using hierarchy, the artist leads the eye across the image in a way that is both tasteful and bold. As the eye travels along the image, one sees first the Darth Vader Silhouette, then moves to the flowers and clouds. While the character seems, at first, out of place in this scene, soon the viewer adjusts to this unusual setting and feels the peace surrounding the character. Overall, the artist has created a wonderfully balanced piece full of light and colour that catches the eye.
I prefer not to use MS paint for 2 reasons. First, I use a mac. Second, I never quite understood it.
We all know that Macintosh computers do not support MS paint. If you did not know, the MS stands for Microsoft. Microsoft programs are generally not compatible with mac. This does irritate me sometimes, as many of the games and softwares in the world are made for Microsoft. But in this case, I am less angry, for the reasons I will explain in my next paragraph.
I have never truly understood MS paint. I can use its basic functions, but I have always had trouble with it. This may be caused by the fact that I grew up in a school that very rarely updated its software, so I was stuck using ancient MS paint, which is rather difficult and confusing to use. Since then, I have tried to stay far away from the program, because I think, subconsciously, I am afraid that my poor attempts will not be good enough for the computer. As I suffer from a fear of failure, this is not a good thing, and I tend to cry after I try to use MS paint.
See, Dogimo, this is what happens when you ask an ex photograph/ star english student to write an essay critiquing art.
See, Dogimo, this is what happens when you ask an ex photograph/ star english student to write an essay critiquing art.