Sunday, October 27, 2013

Help Stop the New South Wales Bushfires

This year, Australia is getting a head start on it's bushfires.

In New South Wales, bushfires are raging across the state. There have been stories about Sydney (NSW's capital city) being surrounded by smoke. 1000's of people have lost their homes, and many have died.

In this time of need, the Australian Red Cross gathers it's team of volunteers to help people in bushfire affected areas. They are currently asking for donations to help people find safe places to stay, feed and clothe people who have lost everything, and eventually help to rebuild.

So, I'm asking you, my trusty followers, to donate. There are two possible ways to donate. One, you can go to the Red Cross Website and donate directly, or, as I don't know their policy on international donations, click the donate button on my blog. That will send the donation on to my personal paypal, and I will send it on (I suggest you try the former option first, but as many of my readers are international, I thought I would include a backup option).

My thoughts go out to all of the people affected by the fires, and all the volunteers (red cross, CFA, and others) who are risking their lives to help people in need.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

100 posts!

This was my 100th blog post. It was a bit anticlimactic. So I'm redoing it, here, today!

Yes, I'm in my pyjamas. Deal with it!

Yippee, 100 posts. Technically, 104.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Holy shit, new store stuff!

There's a new Halloween Jerry theme in the store! You should all go check it out. I'll be removing the Halloween Jerry on the 1st of November, at which time I'll put up the Christmas designs I have in the works.

The phone cases are a bit over priced, but the note cards are adorable! I want some for my halloween invitations (but then, I did make them). You should go check it out!

They're actually not up on the site yet, but as soon as they are (likely tomorrow) I'll post a link here and on the store page. I am excite!

SayCoconuts triumphant return to blogging!

Look at me! I'm back, and better than ever!

I've gotten a new wireless modem, which means I can internet from my bed again, so I'm back, permanently.

Lots of stuff to talk about, so I might as well get started.

Today I came home from work to find flowers. The card said "the imperfections are what make the vase unique and beautiful". No idea who they could be from... Although the fact that it's a line from one of Shakespeare's poems (unpublished) gives me a vague idea. So now I'm a bit depressed. *Sigh*

Honestly, that actually all I feel about saying now. I'll be funny tomorrow.