You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Welcome to Omegle Quest
You: You wake up inside a room
You: There is a locked door, a locked chest and a hammer
You: What would you like to do now?
Stranger: grab the hammer
You: You grab the hammer
Stranger: use the hammer on the chest's lock
You: You use the hammer on the chest lock. The chest swings open
You: There is a map inside
Stranger: take the map
You: You take the map. As you pick it up, a key falls out
Stranger: pick up the key
You: You pick up the key
Stranger: use key in door
You: You use the key in the door. The door swings open.
You: You walk into another room.
You: There is a rocking horse, a locked metal chest, and a saw.
Stranger: get saw
You: You get the saw
Stranger: saw the rocking horse
You: You saw the rocking horse in half
Stranger: use hammer on metal chest
You: You use the hammer on the metal chest, but nothing happens
Stranger: use key on metal chest
You: You use the key on the metal chest. It swings open
You: Inside, the is a deep hole with a light at the end
You: *there
Stranger: drop wood shards from rocking horse into hole
You: You drop the wood in the hole. You don't hear anything.
You: Suddenly, the light at the bottom of the hole disappears. A balloon floats up.
Stranger: investigate
You: You examine the balloon. There appears to be something inside
Stranger: grab balloon out of the hole and pop the balloon over the floor
You: You pop the balloon. A long rope falls out.
Stranger: tie rope to chest and rapel down the hole
You: You climb down the rope. The chest swings shut above you.
You: You reach the ground. There is a small tunnel out of the hole.
Stranger: check map
You: It is too dark to see the map.
Stranger: crawl through hole with hammer in hand, armed
You: You crawl through the tunnel.
You: You find yourself in a room.
You: There is a locked stone chest, a small window and a screw driver.
You: There is a sky light high above you.
Stranger: gain screw driver and use it to pick the stone chest
You: You use the screw driver to pick the lock on the stone chest. It swings open.
You: Inside, you see a small rock.
Stranger: store rock into inventory
You: You store the rock in your inventory.
Stranger: investigate window
You: You examine the window. It is thin glass and could be shattered with enough force.
Stranger: look up and investigate sky light
You: The sky light is to high too reach, and appears to be made of thick plastic. It shines a lot of light into the room.
Stranger: throw rock at sky light
You: The rock bounces off the skylight and falls to the ground beside you.
Stranger: pick up rock and store it back in inventory, use hammer on the glass in the window
You: The hammer smashes the window. It is small enough to crawl through. Outside, there is a large field.
Stranger: clear excess glass
You: You clear the excess glass away and place so in your inventory
You: *soem
You: *some
Stranger: climb through window
You: You crawl through the window. You find yourself in a large field. There is a highway on your right. It appears to be mid day
You: You are completely lost
Stranger: check map
You: You look at your map. It has a small tag with the words 'you are here'. The highway ends close to your home.
Stranger: follow highway with hammer in hand
You: You follow the highway. In several hours you reach your home. You have just beaten Omegle Quest. Congratulations.
You: Thanks. You just made my day.
Stranger: you made mine lol
You have disconnected.